Name: Matti Lallo
Age: 28
Occupation: Student, majoring in Computer Science, minoring in Marketing and Leadership, also English Language and Translation.
Hobbies: Gym, Digital drawing, Games, Jogging
Motto: I’ll think of a good one later!
I’m an energetic amalgam of imperfections, attempting to carve my own statue with a handful of different tools, some suited better to the task than others. Nowadays an engaged man with a lovely fiancée, I take up a lot of siderailing projects to keep my hands full! Today, some of those involve digital art and some light web development, mostly revolving around WordPress, HTML and CSS. For a major part of my studies I thought of myself as an aspiring coder, but in the end most of my interests revolve around using full-hand motions to create lines instead of just my fingertips.
I’ve been involved in a couple of software projects as a UI/UX Designer ,Artist , Supervisor, Project Leader and Scheduler, mostly for Course Credit. I’ve linked the one I’m most proud of (and publicly allowed due to two of them expecting total disclosure) .
You can give it a test run by clicking the logo below!
The game is called Soulstand, and it was a joint effort with my good pal Marko Savikurki, and he scribbled a major part of the code, as I was merely adjusting values and importing my graphics for gameplay purposes. Since then, I’ve used Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, Aseprite and Krita for smaller pieces of art. My first real software project shall be a mobile app that saves values into a database and parses said information onto the user’s screen. I am certain such a project will become my gateway to some entry-level positions!